All standard parameters in stock. Non-stock parameters usually ship in 3 to 5 business days.
Also known as Biomedics 55 Toric. Eye care providers may write your prescription as “OSI Toric”, “BT 8.7” or any of the below names.
The maker of this lens will often package the Biomedics brand lenses under different private labels. For your reference, Biomedics/UltraFlex is often packaged as: Aqualens, Aquatech, Clinasoft, Diagnostics, Hydroflex, Hydrovue, Optiflex, Optiform, P Label Disp., Polysoft, Procon, Proflex, Prosite, Permaflex, Optimedics, Mediflex, Sofmed, Softech, Softique, Softmed, Softview, Veraflex Eyemed, Versaflex, Versaflex Eyemed. They are all identical in every way except the packaging. We only ship the Biomedics label.
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